Jadeite 3 million per carat. A flawless example is so rare that whenever one comes to auction it causes a huge stir in the jewelry world. One of the best known gemstones on this list the sapphire is also among the most expensive gemstones in the world. So rare that their prices have become so exorbitant making them the top ten most expensive gemstones in the world. The largest loose diamond in the world is the paragon diamond weighing in at 137 82 carats while the pink star diamond is the most expensive gemstone to ever be sold at a whopping 83 million.
3 93 million per carat the stunning blue diamond is arguably the most prized of all precious gemstones. Jadeite is the purest rarest and most vivid gemstone in the jade family. One fine example of this was the sale of the the oppenheimer blue in 2016. The blue diamond currently holds the record of the most valuable gemstone with a price of price about 3 93 million per carat. It is a very tough task to find the large sized red diamonds in the world.
And should you find it painite runs 50 000 60 000 per carat. Some sapphire varieties like white sapphire color change sapphire and some fancy colors are selling for a few hundred dollars per carat at most. Pink star diamond the honor of most rare and expensive gem goes to the pink star diamond. Jeremejevite is deemed one of the most expensive gemstones in the world with the worth of 2000 per carat. The most expensive gemstone in the world is red diamond.
10 jadeite more than 3 million per carat this gemstone is actually a pyroxene mineral usually of apple green emerald green bluish green or leek green in color. Blue diamond is no doubt a darling of precious stone collectors around the world. They are mostly available in sizes of less than 1 carat. Jeremejevite has since been found in different regions in namibia the eifel district in germany and the pamir mountain area in tajikistan. 10 jadeite more than 3 million per carat this gemstone is actually a pyroxene mineral usually of apple green emerald green bluish green or leek green in color.Jeremejevite has since been found in different regions in namibia the eifel district in germany and the pamir mountain area in tajikistan. And should you find it painite runs 50 000 60 000 per carat. 3 93 million per carat the stunning blue diamond is arguably the most prized of all precious gemstones. Jadeite 3 million per carat.