Sapphire this is the richest and saturated blue stone spinel this is a translucent medium violet blue stone sodalite this is a very dark blue purple and gray stone star sapphire this is a stone that has a naturally formed blue star on top tanzanite this is a dark translucent violet blue color topaz a translucent stone from very light blue to medium blue tourmaline the blue form of this stone is very rare turquoise this is a light to medium blue with green throughout zircon. The most commonly known names of blue stone is sapphire tanzanite and lapis lazuli. Beside violet green pink yellow gray and colorless zoisite also occurs as blue stones the purplish blue being called tanzanite. What stones are blue green. It also often exhibits interesting white veins or patches that are due to calcite inclusions.
Also known as celestite it is a pale blue stone that is used to establish contact with the angelic realm. Other stones like fluorite jasper and agate come in many colors and some individual stones are blue green. Blue gemstones ideal for everyday wear. The latter blue gemstone was discovered only in 1967 in tanzania from which the blue crystal got its name. Assessing color and quality in blue gemstones.
However there are many other blue stones that have similar colors such as indigo and cobalt. Thank you for the awesome new tool that is part of the fire mountain website colors of gemstones shell and more there are times that i do seek a particular color of gemstone to use in a custom order and this chart makes the process a whole lot easier. Though relatively new tanzanite is quite popular today. One of the colors above phthalo blue is actually commercially known by many different names. Helio blue monastral blue thalo blue winsor blue and also british rail blue.
Several types of natural gemstones that are included in this category are. It is an elevating crystal that helps stimulate psychic gifts. It is the blue purple variety of zoisite. Sodalite s color is typically very deep blue similar to lapis lazuli. Tourmaline indicolite and paraíba aquamarine.Tanzanite so named after the country it was found in tanzania is a very rare gemstone. Sodalite is a vivid blue gemstone that gets its name from its high sodium content. Blue gemstones for occasional wear. Blue green includes aqua teal and turquoise colored gems. Tanzanite so named after the country it was found in tanzania is a very rare gemstone.
Blue green includes aqua teal and turquoise colored gems. Several types of natural gemstones that are included in this category are. However there are many other blue stones that have similar colors such as indigo and cobalt. Also known as celestite it is a pale blue stone that is used to establish contact with the angelic realm. Sapphire this is the richest and saturated blue stone spinel this is a translucent medium violet blue stone sodalite this is a very dark blue purple and gray stone star sapphire this is a stone that has a naturally formed blue star on top tanzanite this is a dark translucent violet blue color topaz a translucent stone from very light blue to medium blue tourmaline the blue form of this stone is very rare turquoise this is a light to medium blue with green throughout zircon.