Demantoid is a variety of andradite a species within the garnet family. One of the rarest garnet varieties demantoid can have a green color that rivals emerald and a fire that exceeds diamond. Gems in this type typically grow with some minor inclusions in nature that may be eye visible but usually are well hidden or require magnification. Demantoid is the green variety of andradite garnet so demantoids are always primarily green by definition but the exact shade ranges from a very strong yellowish green to nearly the color of a fine emerald. One of the rarest and most valuable variety of the garnet family demantoid garnet is a green gemstone known for its fire brilliance and vivid green color.
The yellowish colors are owed to ferric iron. Colors range from a light yellowish green similar to peridot to a deep green almost the color of fine emerald. Demantoid garnet has never been synthesized but a number of imitations exist. Demantoid garnets are of clarity type ii. This suite of 0 75 2 0 ct.
It makes an excellent addition to any jewelry collection and looks stunning in any type of jewelry. Light to dark green yellow green clarity. Demantoid garnets shows the typical range of colors possible. It makes an excellent addition to any jewelry collection and looks stunning in any type of jewelry. The yellowish colors are owed to ferric iron.
Demantoid garnets shows the typical range of colors possible. Demantoid is a variety of andradite a species within the garnet family.